Said Creek Outfitters

Wyoming Hunting Trips & Horseback Hunts in Dubois and Jackson

Said Creek Outfitters and Outfitting Adventures is a small, family run business, owned and operated by Outfitter Joe W. Hargrave, a serious hunter with over 20 years of Wyoming hunting and guiding experience in Western Wyoming. In 2015, Joe started his own outfit, Jackson Wyoming Hunts, helping clients harvest a number of respectable bulls with high success.

In 2019, the outfit expanded to include a broader Wyoming hunting area in addition to those held on public and private lands in and around Jackson Hole. This expansion meant rebranding and re naming the business.  We deliberated for days before landing on Said Creek, which carries with it a bit of Joe’s classic sense of humor.

Joe has never been one to give away his best Wyoming hunting spots, and time and again, when friends and family would ask “Where do we go to harvest a big one?” Joe would respond, “Said Creek.”

Perspective clients may spend hours pouring over a map, looking for Said Creek. The closest you will come is referenced in the Game and Fish Rules and Regulations, Elk Area 67, 68, and 69, which encompasses some of the best Wyoming hunting ground, our new territory. Look it up!

Wyoming Hunting Packages & Pricing 2023


  • Wind River Mountain Range, Dubois, Wyoming
  • Absaroka Mountain Range, Dubois, Wyoming
  • Wind River Valley & Surrounding Area
  • Jackson Hole, Wyoming Area 78 State & Private


Groups of 2 or more hunters will receive a 10% discount on their guided hunt. This discount does not apply to food & lodging, as this portion of the package is billed out for cost only. The minimum group size for all of our Wyoming hunting packages is 1. We predominantly hunt by horseback but can make accommodations as needed.  The maximum group size is 4. The guide to client ratio is 1 client:1 guide or 2 client: 1 guide. We love working with female hunters and on family hunts.

7 Day / 6 Night


7 Day / 6 Night


5 Day / 4 Night


7 Day / 6 Night


5 Day / 4 Night


7 Day / 6 Night


10 Day / 9 Night


9 Day / 8 Night
See below for Scouting Package Option


Contact us at (307) 231-2574 or request a reservation online.

We recognize that the majority of clients who draw a sheep tag have waited years, if not a lifetime to obtain this license. In order to secure the best chances of success for our sheep hunters, we offer a scout and hunt package. In total, its a fourteen day commitment, one that can either be scheduled in one long stint, or two separate trips. The scouting portion of the package is a 5 day/4 night summer pack trip into the high mountain region with your guide.

The hunt itself is 9 days/8 nights in a spike camp. The total cost for this package is $16,000.

We do not mix hunting groups when it comes to a sheep hunt. A once in a lifetime tag deserves the full effort/commitment of your guide. Some clients have asked if a family member or friend can come along for the experience. The answer is.. maybe. The terrain is tough, rugged, high. Its a challenge and an incredible accomplishment. Clients who have the best experience on a sheep hunt know what they are getting into and put in the work throughout the year to prepare. They practice their riflery skills, hit the gym, walk miles, and generally prepare themselves for success. Anyone tagging along should be expected to put in the same effort for the best experience and the highest chance of success. If a client is sure they have a good candidate to play side kick/photographer/videographer, we can discuss pricing for a non hunting participant.

  • Upon Arrival

    Upon arrival, licenses will be checked in and signed. All paperwork will be completed at this point. Gear and equipment will also be checked over at this time. Hunter/guide safety topics will be discussed, as well as bear awareness/safety, horse safety, and hunting rules/regulations. Clients will be given an opportunity to site in firearms and bows. If riding, hunters will be introduced to their mounts and fitted with saddles.

  • 5:30 am

    Wakeup and sit down to a hearty breakfast and discuss the day’s hunt with your guide.

  • 6:00 am

    Pack lunches. Prepare gear and mounts to leave base camp at first light. Be prepared to spend the entire day in the field, as weather and animal movements will dictate the schedule. The hunt will begin and end with legal shooting light.

    *Note: hunters may ride directly from the lodge or base camp to hunt, or they may take truck/trailer to the best hunt area that fits the day’s conditions.

  • 6:30 pm

    Upon return to base camp in the evening, another hearty homemade meal awaits. Exact dinner time depends on the day’s progress.

** When an animal is harvested, it will be recovered immediately and transported back to base camp. The animal will be caped out and tagged, the client will then decide if he or she would like the animal transported for processing. The client is responsible for communicating with the local butcher and paying all costs associated with processing, shipping, etc.

  • Season

    Fall, Winter, Spring depending on the species, area and Wyoming Game and Fish Rules and Regulations. Please do not arrive without a reservation. Walks ins are not accepted.

Rates, Taxes & Fees

Package pricing is per client and include the following: guide hunting services (non taxable in the state of Wyoming), 12.5% lodging tax (lodge based hunts), 10.5% lodging tax (tent based hunts) and 5.5% meal tax;  3% USFS/BLM commercial day use fee. Meal rates for hunting clients are billed at cost: $25 per day (complimentary welcome dinner and breakfast on departure date). Lodging is billed at: $50 per night.  Clients typically pay via cash or check. Credit card payment can be arranged, but will incur the 4% fee as charged by the cc processing company.

No refund will be issued for clients choosing to leave prior to his or her scheduled departure date.

Booking Deposit & Final Payment

A 50% deposit is due at the time of booking and final payment is due no less than 45 days prior to the scheduled start date of the hunt. The client is responsible fore reviewing all reservation documents, which includes the cancellation and refund policy, as well as the deposit and final payment amounts associated with his or her hunting package. Exact hunt dates and final booking is dependent on the draw. If a client does not draw a license, a full refund will be processed within 30 days of the Wyoming Game and Fish License Draw.  Within two weeks after the draw, Joe will contact clients to solidify hunt dates, and digital reminders will be sent along with follow up booking information. Clients should plan to arrive mid afternoon on the first day of the hunt to join Joe at the gun range in Dubois. Plan to depart sometime before 10 am on the final day of the hunt.


Gratuity should be paid directly to one’s guide at the end of the trip. While tipping is not mandatory, it is customary and at the client’s discretion. A standard tip runs anywhere from 10% of the package price to 20+ %, or whatever the client feels to be a fair amount.  Support staff can also be tipped directly, at the client’s discretion.

Said Creek Outfitters & Outfitting Adventures is operated under special use permit with the Shoshone National Forest, Bureau of Land Management, and Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments.

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible State or local Agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information is also available in languages other than English. To file a complaint alleging discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at , or at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provided in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: This institution is an equal opportunity provider.