Said Creek Outfitters and Outfitting Adventures is a small, family run business, owned and operated by Outfitter Joe W. Hargrave, a serious hunter with over 20 years of Wyoming hunting and guiding experience in Western Wyoming. In 2015, Joe started his own outfit, Jackson Wyoming Hunts, helping clients harvest a number of respectable bulls with high success.
In 2019, the outfit expanded to include a broader Wyoming hunting area in addition to those held on public and private lands in and around Jackson Hole. This expansion meant rebranding and re naming the business. We deliberated for days before landing on Said Creek, which carries with it a bit of Joe’s classic sense of humor.
Joe has never been one to give away his best Wyoming hunting spots, and time and again, when friends and family would ask “Where do we go to harvest a big one?” Joe would respond, “Said Creek.”
Perspective clients may spend hours pouring over a map, looking for Said Creek. The closest you will come is referenced in the Game and Fish Rules and Regulations, Elk Area 67, 68, and 69, which encompasses some of the best Wyoming hunting ground, our new territory. Look it up!