250 Pounds
Guided Day Fishing Trips
BOOK NOW FOR 2024 & 2025
Full Day Fish & Ride
This combination provides the best of both worlds…explore our trails via horseback and cast a line out into the remote mountain streams. There is no half day option for this, as you are journying into the mountains to see the country and spend time on the water. This is a chance to soak it all in and enjoy all that Wyoming summer has to offer.
FULL or Half Day Walk & Wade
For clients who prefer foot power over horse power! Get out on the waterways with a skilled and knowledgable guide. Visit remote streams, lakes, and rivers that are still off the beaten path, but accessable via 4wd vehicle.
Local trout…
Yellowstone Cutthroat, Rainbow, Brown, Brook, Snake River Cutthroat, Lake
And non trout…
Burbot, Mountain Whitefish, Grayling
Great options for non-guided fishing are Warm Springs Creek–which is withing hiking distance of the lodge, or Brooks Lake, Torrey Lake, and many public fishing access points along the Wind River–all just a short drive away.
Fishing Gear, Supplies & Equipment for DIY
Cutthroat Fly Shop-Fly Fishing Gear & Apparel
Big Wind River Float Trips- Flying Fishing Gear & Apparel
Big Bobbers Bait & Tackle-Rod & Real Fishing Gear
7am-5pm 690/per person per day/2 person minimum (up to 6 guests per trip)
8am-5pm/$650/per day (up to 2 guests per guide)
8 am-12 pm or 1 pm to 5 pm $450/per day (up to 2 guests per guide)
There is a minimum of 2 riders and a maximum of 6 riders. Bring 4 or more riders and receive a 10% discount. Longer trips may be arranged, and will be priced accordingly.
Half and Full day trips include snacks, lunch, assorted non alcoholic beverages.
Clients usually prefer to bring their own waders, rods, etc. In the case of those traveling through, we may have some “Gear List” items available upon request or with enough notice.
Meet up with your guide at the crack of dawn, quickly go over your gear, then enjoy coffee and breakfast and discuss fishing strategy on the way to the trail head. Head into the mountains on a trout seeking steed with a knowledgeable guide who knows the way to some hidden lakes and streams-way off the beaten path.
Beginner to Advanced
A day of horseback riding and fishing require stamina and the ability to ride through occasionally challenging terrain, at a walking pace. These rides give anglers access to high mountain lakes and streams, geological treasures, and views of some of Wyoming’s most iconic mountain ranges. Riders should be prepared to spend between 2 to 4 hours in the saddle per day.
Contact us at (307) 231-2574 or request a reservation online.
Angler’s Retreat
Coming 2025 & 2026
All Inclusive Fly Fishing Retreat: Winter & Summer Sessions
Arcady Ridge Ranch partners with Said Creek Outfitters and a number of Wyoming based organizations to develop specialized workshops and retreats. These are all inclusive, lodge based experiences intended to help build confidence, awareness, and independence in participants. Itinerary may include presentations from local wildlife biologists and professionals in the field that address threats/concerns regarding western waterways,
along with general knowledge and instruction for recreational fishing opportunities.
HALF DAY-4 hours
$150 per person
10% Group Discount for 4 of more participants
Minimum: 4 Participants
Maximum: 6 Participants
Include snacks, lunch, assorted non alcoholic beverages.
We have a specially dedicated Fishing Hut here at Arcady Ranch. This “pop up” classroom is filled with all the tools our fishing guides use to teach Fly Fishing 101. Enjoy views of the Wind River Mountain Range & Absarokas, while learning about our local trout, geology, geography, watersheds, bug life, and how all of these things impact an angler’s approach to fishing this area.
Coffee, tea, beverages, snacks are always available, along with a group lunch.
Beginner to Intermediate
Our guides are knowledgable about the local waterways and about the level at which anglers participants are learning. Not new to fly fishing, but new to fly fishing in Western Wyoming? Feel free to sign up for this half day course.
Contact us at (307) 231-2574 or request a reservation online.
5 Day/4 Night Wyoming Lodge Based Fishing Package
BOOK NOW FOR 2025 & 2026!
Last available dates this year:
August 12-16, 2024
Wake up early and head out into the wilderness to fish the high mountain streams and remote waterways of the Wyoming Absarokas and Wind River Mountain Range.
Please do not arrive without a reservation. Walk-ins are not accepted.
5 DAYS, 4 NIGHT (minimum)
$2800 (4 day/3 night package)
Minimum Group Size: 2
Maximum Group Size: 6
Longer trips may be arranged, and will be priced accordingly.
Alternative transportation options available.
All meals included from arrival on night 1 through breakfast on your departure day. Includes snacks and assorted non alcoholic beverages.
Saddle up early and head out into the wilderness to fish the high mountain streams and remote waterways of the Absarokas and Wind River Mountain Ranges where few tend to travel, let alone cast their lines. After a full day of fishing, return to base, where a homecooked meal awaits.
Arcady Ridge Ranch Lodge, Wind River Valley and Surrounding Area
Beginner to Advanced
Overnight fishing expeditions require stamina and the ability to ride through occasionally challenging terrain, at a walking pace. These rides cover a lot of ground and give anglers access to high mountain lakes and streams, geological treasures, and views of some of Wyoming’s most iconic mountain ranges. Ample breaks are given throughout the day to enjoy meals, take in the beautiful scenery, and of course, fish, but riders should be prepared to spend between 2 to 4 hours in the saddle per day.
Contact us at (307) 231-2574 or request a reservation online.
Riding Requirements & Considerations
Riding Requirements
5 Day/4 Night Fishing Expedition Considerations
We give the same advice to our overnight pack trip groups as we do to those planning to book a multi day Wyoming fishing expedition, well slightly adapted… These trips take months to plan and implement. We take into consideration the vision or our clients and the projected conditions on the ground to build each experience. Much depends on historical weather patterns to help determine the trailheads and trajectory of these trips. If its storming heavily in the Wind River Range and the streams, creeks, rivers are blown out with mud, we can pivot to the Absarokas if necessary.
Before you book a multi day Wyoming fishing trip, be honest with yourself about what you really want to accomplish. We are in Wyoming, one of the most rural states in the lower 48. Yes, bears are real. We are riding horses, out of cell phone service and generally submerged in nature. It rains, snows, blows, storms. Lightning hits the mountain top and then it hits the valleys. We ride up to the mountain tops and down to the valleys. Every weather condition imaginable happens within 5 minutes.
And then, you are casting against a golden sunset, wading in the stream, fish are jumping. Completely at peace in negative ions. OR you are sitting on the porch in JULY listening to hail drumming on the tin roof, drinking hot tea to warm your fingers, so you can tie a fly with a feather you found on the trail. Waiting for dinner to be served.
If you think it sounds totally up your ally and exciting, we are still going to ask you a lot of questions about what you are seeking by booking a lodge based, multi day horse assisted fishing expedition.
Because we have to tell the horses, then they tell us yea or nay.
Pre-Trip Checklist
Day Trips
We want you to have the best time on your fishing trip, and that requires a little bit of preparation on your part. Below are some things you will need in order to spend time out on the trail:
Overnight Fishing Expedition
A clothing and gear checklist will be sent prior to the trip to guide your preparations.
Cancellation & Gratuity
Day Trips & Workshops
Multi Day Lodge Based Fishing Expedition
Said Creek Outfitters & Outfitting Adventures is operated under special use permit with the Shoshone National Forest, Bureau of Land Management, and Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments.
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible State or local Agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information is also available in languages other than English. To file a complaint alleging discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html , or at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provided in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: program.intake@usda.gov. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.